
As the biggest Polish operator and manufacturer of game machines for children, we would like to extend an offer of comprehensive service by our company.

Proponujemy konkurencyjne czynsze lub podział zysków za zajmowane miejsce, zapewniamy dostarczenie każdej ilości automatów na wyznaczone miejsce oraz gwarantujemy wymianę automatów w ustalonym terminie.

Our offer includes various attractions, which can be used in:

  • big shopping centres,
  • supermarkets,
  • any other kinds of shops,
  • outside the buildings or restaurants in summertime.

We have a wide range of game machines provided by western manufacturers and also game machines of our own production, offering more and more modern types of any colour.

We offer competitive rental prices or profit participation for place holding. We transport the machines to the desired place and guarantee their replacement in the appropriate time.

Check our "Offer" for more information.



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