
We are the leading operator of game machines for children and teenagers in Poland. We offer only the finest machines from top suppliers from Western Europe as well as high-quality products of our own make. We can offer your company comprehensive services in the field of the game machines and other attractions.

Our offer includes a wide range of game machines, rocking-toys as well as wrestle-arcade game machines and vending machines. We can also offer the hydraulic excavator, video games and shopping cart cars. Our products enjoy recognition among children and their parents. We offer not only individual products, but also sets of products. We create game machines islands, game rooms and playgrounds which are one of a kind places of entertainment.

The proposed solutions perfectly fit shopping centres, supermarkets and any other kinds of shops. During summer time they can be installed outside the buildings or restaurants.

We offer competitive rental prices or profit participation for place holding. We transport the machines to the desired place and guarantee their replacement in the appropriate time.


Oferujemy duży wybór bujaków - od aut, przez motocykle, aż po rakiety kosmiczne.




Kolorowe i bezpieczne - takie właśnie są nasze karuzele!



Game machine islands

Game machine islands are a solution that lets collect the most entertaining devices in one place.

Game machine islands


Shopping cart cars

Shopping cart cars will certainly be adored by children and their parents.

Shopping cart cars



Spending time at our playground means long hours of great fun.



Game rooms

Game room is a place for whole family where everyone can find something him or herself.

Game rooms


Video games

Modern games will take us to a completely different world and bring a lot of entertainment.

Video games


Vending machines

Our vending machines contain many attractions.

Vending machines


Boxing and arcade game machines

We distribute brand boxing and arcade game machines.

Boxing and arcade game machines


Hydraulic excavators

It looks and works like the real thing!

Hydraulic excavators


Seasonal spots

Entertainment out in the fresh air will give the young and old even more joy!

Seasonal spots


Symulator F1

Bolid F1 służy jako symulator do nauki jazdy, wyścigów F1 i celów reklamowych.

Symulator F1



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